Misyon ve Misyon
Resim Bölümü olarak öncelikli misyonumuz üniversitemizi ve ülkemizi ulusal ve uluslararası platformlarda temsil edecek nitelikli sanatçı adayları yetiştirme gayesini taşımaktayız. Sanat alanında bölgede ve ulusal düzeyde öncü sanatçılar yetiştirmek, ülkemizin sanat kültürüne yenilikler katmak ve farkındalık alanları açmak, sanat organizasyonları düzenlemek öncelikli hedeflerimiz arasında yer almaktadır. Verilen dört yıllık sanat eğitimi sürecinde öğrencilerimize uygulamalı ve teorik dersler doğrultusunda, onları hayata sağlam adımlarla basan ve donanımlı bireyler olarak hazırlamak temel görevlerimiz arasındadır. Bu doğrultuda bireyin kendini gerçekleştirebilmesi, nitelikli bir sanatçı olabilmesi, mesleğine yönelik bütün gerekliliklerini yerine getirebilmesi, iş gücünü de göz önünde bulundurarak daha verimli kullanabilmesi, çağa daha hızlı bir şekilde ayak uydurabilmesi, insan ilişkilerinde daha başarılı olabilmesi adına teşviklerde bulunmak ve bunu bir yaşam biçimi haline getirmek vizyonuyla hareket etmekteyiz.
Mission and Vision
As the Painting Department, our primary mission is to train qualified artist candidates who will represent our university and our country on national and international platforms. Raising pioneering artists in the field of art at the regional and national level, adding innovations to the art culture of our country, opening awareness areas, and organizing art organizations are among our primary goals. During the four-year art education period, it is among our basic duties to prepare our students as well-equipped and well-equipped individuals in line with applied and theoretical lessons. In this direction, to provide incentives for the individual to realize himself, to be a qualified artist, to fulfill all the requirements for his profession, to use his workforce more efficiently, to keep up with the times more quickly, to be more successful in human relations, and to make this a way of life. We act with the vision of bringing.
Mission and Vision
As the Painting Department, our primary mission is to train qualified artist candidates who will represent our university and our country on national and international platforms. Raising pioneering artists in the field of art at the regional and national level, adding innovations to the art culture of our country, opening awareness areas, and organizing art organizations are among our primary goals. During the four-year art education period, it is among our basic duties to prepare our students as well-equipped and well-equipped individuals in line with applied and theoretical lessons. In this direction, to provide incentives for the individual to realize himself, to be a qualified artist, to fulfill all the requirements for his profession, to use his workforce more efficiently, to keep up with the times more quickly, to be more successful in human relations, and to make this a way of life. We act with the vision of bringing.