Tarihçe ve Tanıtım
Fakültemiz Resim Bölümü YÖK Yürütme Kurulunun 14/05/2013 tarihli ve 3299 sayılı yazısı ile bölümün açılması onaylanmış ve 2013-2014 eÄŸitim-öÄŸretim bahar yarıyılında anasanat dalına öÄŸrenci alımına baÅŸlanmıştır.
Sanata iliÅŸkin bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde derinleÅŸtirmiÅŸ, disiplinlerarası etkileÅŸimi kavramış, alanıyla ilgili kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanarak resim sanatına katkı saÄŸlayacak sanatçılar yetiÅŸtirilmesi amaçlanır. Bu doÄŸrultuda öÄŸrencinin bilgi ve becerisinin eleÅŸtirel bir yaklaşımla geliÅŸtirilmesi ve sorunları çözme becerisi kazanması için kuramsal ve deneysel çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Resim bölümüsanat eÄŸitim programı güncel sanatın bizlere sunduÄŸu her türlümetod, bilgi-belge ve uygulamaları doÄŸrultusunda oluÅŸturulan bir sanat eÄŸitimi temelini benimsemektedir. Deneysel sanat uygulamalarıyla, konferans, seminer, sergi ve çeÅŸitli workshoplarla eÄŸitimler desteklenmektedir.Resim bölümü bünyesinde bulunan her bir atölyede 20 öÄŸrencinin bir arada rahat bir ÅŸekilde çalışabileceÄŸi gerekli yaÅŸam ve çalışma ortamı mevcuttur. Atölyelerimizde her bir öÄŸrenci için ÅŸövale, çekmeceli kilitlenebilir dolap ve sandalyeler ve her bir atölyede klima ve öÄŸrencilerin rahatça çalışabileceÄŸi geniÅŸ ve ferah bir ortam bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca Resim bölümü koridorlarında öÄŸrencilerimizin eÅŸyalarını koyabilecekleri 50 adet ve 4 bölmeden oluÅŸan dolaplar mevcuttur.
History and Presentation
The opening of the department was approved with the letter dated 14/05/2013 and numbered 3299 of the Higher Education Council of the Painting Department of our faculty, and the admission of students to the main art branch was started in the 2013-2014 academic spring semester.
It is aimed to train artists who have deepened their knowledge of art at the level of expertise, comprehended interdisciplinary interaction, and will contribute to the art of painting by using the theoretical and applied knowledge about their field. In this direction, theoretical and experimental studies are carried out in order to develop the knowledge and skills of the student with a critical approach and to gain the ability to solve problems. The art education program of the painting department adopts an art education basis created in line with all kinds of methods, information-documents and applications presented to us by contemporary art. Trainings are supported with experimental art practices, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and various workshops. Each workshop within the painting department has the necessary living and working environment in which 20 students can work together comfortably. In our workshops, there is an easel for each student, lockable cabinets and chairs with drawers, air conditioning in each workshop and a large and spacious environment where students can work comfortably. In addition, in the corridors of the Painting department, there are 50 cabinets consisting of 4 compartments where our students can put their belongings.
History and Presentation
The opening of the department was approved with the letter dated 14/05/2013 and numbered 3299 of the Higher Education Council of the Painting Department of our faculty, and the admission of students to the main art branch was started in the 2013-2014 academic spring semester.
It is aimed to train artists who have deepened their knowledge of art at the level of expertise, comprehended interdisciplinary interaction, and will contribute to the art of painting by using the theoretical and applied knowledge about their field. In this direction, theoretical and experimental studies are carried out in order to develop the knowledge and skills of the student with a critical approach and to gain the ability to solve problems. The art education program of the painting department adopts an art education basis created in line with all kinds of methods, information-documents and applications presented to us by contemporary art. Trainings are supported with experimental art practices, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and various workshops. Each workshop within the painting department has the necessary living and working environment in which 20 students can work together comfortably. In our workshops, there is an easel for each student, lockable cabinets and chairs with drawers, air conditioning in each workshop and a large and spacious environment where students can work comfortably. In addition, in the corridors of the Painting department, there are 50 cabinets consisting of 4 compartments where our students can put their belongings.
Sanata iliÅŸkin bilgilerini uzmanlık düzeyinde derinleÅŸtirmiÅŸ, disiplinlerarası etkileÅŸimi kavramış, alanıyla ilgili kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgileri kullanarak resim sanatına katkı saÄŸlayacak sanatçılar yetiÅŸtirilmesi amaçlanır. Bu doÄŸrultuda öÄŸrencinin bilgi ve becerisinin eleÅŸtirel bir yaklaşımla geliÅŸtirilmesi ve sorunları çözme becerisi kazanması için kuramsal ve deneysel çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Resim bölümüsanat eÄŸitim programı güncel sanatın bizlere sunduÄŸu her türlümetod, bilgi-belge ve uygulamaları doÄŸrultusunda oluÅŸturulan bir sanat eÄŸitimi temelini benimsemektedir. Deneysel sanat uygulamalarıyla, konferans, seminer, sergi ve çeÅŸitli workshoplarla eÄŸitimler desteklenmektedir.Resim bölümü bünyesinde bulunan her bir atölyede 20 öÄŸrencinin bir arada rahat bir ÅŸekilde çalışabileceÄŸi gerekli yaÅŸam ve çalışma ortamı mevcuttur. Atölyelerimizde her bir öÄŸrenci için ÅŸövale, çekmeceli kilitlenebilir dolap ve sandalyeler ve her bir atölyede klima ve öÄŸrencilerin rahatça çalışabileceÄŸi geniÅŸ ve ferah bir ortam bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca Resim bölümü koridorlarında öÄŸrencilerimizin eÅŸyalarını koyabilecekleri 50 adet ve 4 bölmeden oluÅŸan dolaplar mevcuttur.
History and Presentation
The opening of the department was approved with the letter dated 14/05/2013 and numbered 3299 of the Higher Education Council of the Painting Department of our faculty, and the admission of students to the main art branch was started in the 2013-2014 academic spring semester.
It is aimed to train artists who have deepened their knowledge of art at the level of expertise, comprehended interdisciplinary interaction, and will contribute to the art of painting by using the theoretical and applied knowledge about their field. In this direction, theoretical and experimental studies are carried out in order to develop the knowledge and skills of the student with a critical approach and to gain the ability to solve problems. The art education program of the painting department adopts an art education basis created in line with all kinds of methods, information-documents and applications presented to us by contemporary art. Trainings are supported with experimental art practices, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and various workshops. Each workshop within the painting department has the necessary living and working environment in which 20 students can work together comfortably. In our workshops, there is an easel for each student, lockable cabinets and chairs with drawers, air conditioning in each workshop and a large and spacious environment where students can work comfortably. In addition, in the corridors of the Painting department, there are 50 cabinets consisting of 4 compartments where our students can put their belongings.
History and Presentation
The opening of the department was approved with the letter dated 14/05/2013 and numbered 3299 of the Higher Education Council of the Painting Department of our faculty, and the admission of students to the main art branch was started in the 2013-2014 academic spring semester.
It is aimed to train artists who have deepened their knowledge of art at the level of expertise, comprehended interdisciplinary interaction, and will contribute to the art of painting by using the theoretical and applied knowledge about their field. In this direction, theoretical and experimental studies are carried out in order to develop the knowledge and skills of the student with a critical approach and to gain the ability to solve problems. The art education program of the painting department adopts an art education basis created in line with all kinds of methods, information-documents and applications presented to us by contemporary art. Trainings are supported with experimental art practices, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and various workshops. Each workshop within the painting department has the necessary living and working environment in which 20 students can work together comfortably. In our workshops, there is an easel for each student, lockable cabinets and chairs with drawers, air conditioning in each workshop and a large and spacious environment where students can work comfortably. In addition, in the corridors of the Painting department, there are 50 cabinets consisting of 4 compartments where our students can put their belongings.