Bölüm Başkanı'nın Mesajı
Sanatçı ve tasarımcılar özgün, yaratıcı, esnek ve duyarlı oldukları kadar analitik, rasyonel ve cesur yaklaşımlarıyla hayatın her bir detayına farklılıklar getiren ve bu farkındalığı pratik hayata sunan kişiler olmuşlardır. İçinde bulunduğumuz çağ, sanatçıya çok boyutlu bir anlam ve sorumluluk yüklemiştir. Günümüze özgü gelişen her türlü mesele sanatçının ilgi alanına girerek bu doğrultuda ona düşen rol ve sorumluluklar da giderek artmıştır. Ayrıca geçmişte olduğu gibi günümüzde de sanatçı ve tasarımcılar çağdaş, yenilikçi ve özgür düşüncelerin temsilcileri olarak sosyal sorumluluk misyonunu taşımaya devam etmektedirler. Bu bilinçle, Resim Bölümü olarak geçmişle bağını koruyan ve çağın getirdiği teknolojik olanakların bilincinde, yaratıcı ve çözüm üreten sanatçılar yetiştirmede nitelikli bir eğitim kurumu olmayı sürdürmeye devam etmektedir. Doç.Dr. Haydar BALSEÇEN
Message from the Department Head
Artists and designers have become original, creative, flexible and sensitive, as well as analytical, rational and courageous people who bring differences to every detail of life and present this awareness to practical life. The age we live in has given the artist a multidimensional meaning and responsibility. All kinds of issues that are unique to today have entered the artist's field of interest, and the roles and responsibilities that fall on him in this direction have gradually increased. In addition, as in the past, artists and designers continue to carry the social responsibility mission as representatives of contemporary, innovative and free thoughts. With this awareness, as the Painting Department, it continues to be a qualified educational institution in raising creative and solution-producing artists who are aware of the technological opportunities brought by the age and protect their ties with the past.
Message from the Department Head
Artists and designers have become original, creative, flexible and sensitive, as well as analytical, rational and courageous people who bring differences to every detail of life and present this awareness to practical life. The age we live in has given the artist a multidimensional meaning and responsibility. All kinds of issues that are unique to today have entered the artist's field of interest, and the roles and responsibilities that fall on him in this direction have gradually increased. In addition, as in the past, artists and designers continue to carry the social responsibility mission as representatives of contemporary, innovative and free thoughts. With this awareness, as the Painting Department, it continues to be a qualified educational institution in raising creative and solution-producing artists who are aware of the technological opportunities brought by the age and protect their ties with the past.